Your Offer Code: WEB2479

Aquamarine Jewelry

A legend among luxury jewelers for its high clarity and transparency, aquamarine’s icy blue makes it a refreshing natural gem for the modern age. Aquamarine is nicknamed the “sailor’s stone” for its legendary ability to calm waves and keep sailors safe at sea. It’s so brilliant that its beauty rivals that of a diamond.

Item# wa272
$399.00 $149.00
Item# 59337
$399.00 $149.00
Over 1-carat of Genuine Aquamarine!
Item# W4147
$499.00 $149.00
Item# w6905
$399.00 $99.00
Item# 54242
$399.00 $129.00
Item# 59339
$499.00 $199.00
Item# 52729
$499.00 $79.00
Item# 57004
$195.00 $79.00
Item# W4483
$599.00 $199.00
Item# W3972
$399.00 $129.00
Item# 45578
$499.00 $149.00
Item# 54244
$499.00 $199.00

The Stauer Promise