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Men's Digital Watches

We’re giving the digital age a hand. Our classic timepieces team up with modern digital time and/or date displays to give you the best of both worlds.

Top Seller
Item# 33208
$395.00 $79.00
Item# 20409
$299.00 $79.00
Item# 52318
$399.00 $149.00
Item# 17468
$599.00 $249.00
Item# 55087
$399.00 $99.00
Item# 60415
Item# 60416
Item# 46938
$399.00 $149.00
Item# 48370
$395.00 $99.00
Item# 60418
$199.00 $99.00
Item# 19093
$395.00 $79.00
Item# 56546
$399.00 $99.00

The Stauer Promise